About this Worthing Weather Station

The w.brx.io weather station presently uses a Watson W-8681-MarkII device, having started off with a Maplin N96GY based on the Fine Offset WH1080 design. Data is logged and processed using pywws running on a Raspberry Pi (version 2 hardware), and then published here.

The station is situated near Ham Road in the Selden area of East Worthing, West Sussex. Weather observations began at the end of December 2020.

Information being recorded includes:

You can find a monthly summary of all readings recorded so far on the Compendium page in table format, and also graphs of the data by year.

The station is mounted approximately 3m above the ground level which in turn is 3m above sea level in a relatively sheltered area among houses. It scores 2* on the MetOffice site ratings scale (E=4, T=D, R=D, W=C, UCZ=5).



If you would like to get in touch you can send an email to an address formed by the single word topic of this section of my website AT brx.io