Latest weather

Weather summary for the last three full hours
Time Temp (°C) Wind (km/h) Rain (mm) Pressure (hPa)
Dir Avg Max
12:15 21.0 SSW 6 15 0.0 1014, steady
12:00 20.2 SSW 5 15 0.0 1013, falling slowly
11:00 19.4 SSW 5 11 0.0 1014, rising slowly
10:00 19.4 W 1 7 0.0 1013, rising slowly
Graph of weather 
 for the last 24 hours in Worthing.


Local forecast for next 12 hours: Fairly fine, improving.
Computed on Sat, 27 Jul at 10:55 BST. NB: this forecast is highly experimental and should not be relied upon.

Something more accurate: Windguru | MetOffice | BBC

Water Level Forecasts and Warnings

TideTimes, BBC Tide Tables. Local flood alerts.

Last day summary

Summary of weather yesterday and today so far
Day Today Yesterday
Temp (°C) Day max 21.0 12:15 20.6 12:35
Night min 12.3 05:50
Wind (km/h) Dir SSW
Avg 5
Max 15 11:10 21 15:20
Rain (mm) 0.0
Pressure (hPa) Max 1013.7 11:10 1013.6 09:15
Min 1013.2 10:45 1010.6 11:45

Previous 7 days

Graph of weather for the last 7
 days in Worthing.

Summary of weather over the last seven days
Day End Temp (°C) Wind (km/h) Rain (mm) Pressure (hPa)
Day max Night min Dir Avg Max Max Min
26 Jul 17.6 13.4 SW 4 22 4.8 1012 1008
25 Jul 21.2 15.7 SW 5 22 0.6 1021 1012
24 Jul 23.0 15.4 WNW 2 18 0.0 1021 1016
23 Jul 18.5 16.1 WSW 7 22 0.9 1016 1013
22 Jul 23.5 15.2 WSW 4 26 0.0 1015 1009
21 Jul 20.5 16.6 SSW 3 13 0.0 1009 1005
20 Jul 23.7 17.2 SW 3 18 0.0 1016 1008

Note: The meteorological day we use follows Met Office standard practice, ie. beginning at 0900 GMT (1000 BST).

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